Saturday, September 12, 2009

How to make our green scrub

Want to make a green scrub that will replace your Comet, Ajax or Soft Scrub? It only takes 3 simple ingredients and some essential oils if you want to have a nice scent while you clean.
This recipe is from The Joy of Green Cleaning and you can also see a sample of our laundry soap at Click here to see a video of the recipe.

Here is the Green Power Scrub
1 cup Borax
2 cups salt (sea salt for more aggressive cleaning)
2 cups baking soda
8 drops essential oil for fragrance

Mix the borax, salt and baking soda thoroughly. After they are completely mixed together, add the essential oil for fragrance.
Keep this mixture in a shaker container with a lid. Use it for cleaning stains on counters and sinks. Rinse thoroughly.

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