Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fun Factor!

Since I'm presenting at 5:00 (Happy Hour right?) at the GOHO Theater in Chicago this weekend, I figured I'd add a little fun to the "clean-up". What better way to reward yourself for a job well done that to mix up a Dirt Martini. No, I didn't say dirty martini- it's Dirt. My kids favorite dessert is "DIRT" which if your interested is absolutely wonderful and a cinch to make. So I thought I'd make up an adult version to share with the audience at the IHA show in Chicago. This will be a perfect ending to a long day. It has a little caffeine, chocolate, vanilla syrup and vodka. Yum! You are going to love this. Mix this up after you've done your clean-up. You deserve it!
Recipe for a Dirt Martini
1 1/2 cup water
1/4 cup coffee syrup
2 tbs. Hershey's chocolate syrup
2 tbs. vanilla syrup
1 cup milk
Godiva Powdered Cocoa
2-3 cups of ice
2 shots vodka
Place the water and coffee syrup in a blender. Mix gently. Add the milk, chocolate syrup, vanilla syrup and blend. Add in the vodka. Finally fill the blender with ice and blend on high. Using a very wet Skoy Cloth or paper towel, wet the rim of a martini glass with water by placing it upside down on the cloth. Make sure the cloth is very wet. Then dip the rim of the glass in the cocoa. Pour the martini in your rimmed glass and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking that calls for more than just 2 shots of vodka - are you sure you didn't mean 2 cups?! Ha ha.
