Tuesday, April 12, 2011

...One Spray Bottle At A Time!

"Your articles have energized me to re-evaluate my own habits and how they affect my family. You keep me motivated and engaged every day to live more eco-consciously by showing me how easy it can be to “green clean” and how effective. I must admit that your tips on vinegar are my favorite!  I never knew it could be so powerful but in “How does your home smell?” you suggested a mixture with borax and vinegar to clean around the toilets and it rocks! 

I never was much of a label reader until I became awakened to the many harmful ingredients we consume without a second thought.  Now I make an effort to check what my family consumes to ensure that I am not ignorant of a hidden threat. That includes what I clean with, which is why I love your site! However, something I ironically never thought too deeply about was the water!  It turns out that our the water we use to cook, clean and shower with exposes us to a number of toxins, one in particular that I have learned about is chlorine.  While in moderation, chlorine is not too dangerous, in larger amounts or absorbed through our skin it can lead to very serious health implications.  I was surprised to come across this disguised danger and feel that others may be as niave as I was which is why I wrote “A Daily Toxin – Uncovering Unnecessary Exposure to Chlorine,” in which I have explained the background of chlorine, how it is used and why we should take more precautions.  I feel it is critical information especially for those raising children who are more susceptible." Renee Bedford
Renee has sent me her article and if you are interested in receiving a copy you can email Renee directly at rbedford@christmastreemarketco.com  She would be happy to send you a copy. Thanks Renee - Together we can change the world, one spray bottle at a time! The recipes Renee mentions in her testimony above are found in The Joy of Green Cleaning.

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