Sunday, April 05, 2009

David Brown, from Channel 5 Boston has a green "mailbag" every Sunday morning. Today the question was:

I like the smell of a clean house... but understand that the clean smell that I'm used to is the result of harsh chemicals... any advice on greener cleaning products?

And guess where David sent her- right here to the Cleaning Coach! Click here to view the link. Welcome Barbara and everyone else trying to take the chemicals out of cleaning. I'm here to help. David's first piece of advice was to buy The Joy of Green Cleaning, which can be downloaded as an ebook. For more tips and ideas see my list on the left for specific catagories or email me with questions.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes that "clean house" smell is toxic - Check out our myth-busting video “What’s Your Big Green Lie?!” which gives a taste of the widespread ignorance of green issues including indoor air testing -
