Saturday, June 04, 2011

Out With Allergies - from Shape Magazine 2011

It was a real pleasure to work with Kate and the staff at Shape Magazine! I'm really glad that they realize that keeping yourself in "shape" means taking care of your environment too. Here is a small part of the article. If you'd like the entire piece, email me and I'll send you the pdf.

BE A GREENER CLEANER - by Kate Ashford
Every time you spray a cleaning product onto a surface, you breathe it in. "There are some dangerous ingredients in cleaners - such as formaldehyde and chlorine - that, if inhaled, can affect your respiratory system and irritate your lungs," says Leslie Reichert, author of The Joy of Green Cleaning. "And the risk doesn't stop when the sink is gleaming: those chemicals linger in the air for a long time." One solution: Make your own cleaner by mixing equal parts water and vinegar. This blend gets rid of dirt and kills germ without affecting your air quality.


  1. I'm really careful what I use to clean with if not I'll start having trouble with my asthma.

    Coffee is on.

  2. It was a great read :)

  3. I've ditched all my chemical cleaning products!

  4. Thank you for sharing your point of view. It's hard to find reliable sourse of information using the internet. I am familiar with the issue that not everything can be trusted, which is why I am not a very trustful person.

  5.'s best to just go natural. You need to make sure you clean periodically, though.

  6. Nice! I really enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.

  7. There are just so many benefits to green cleaning that I can't believe more people aren't switching over.

  8. Great article. We use green products everywhere we can and it actually boosts the value of our brand to our clients.
