Thursday, March 01, 2012

How to Clean a Pot With Caked-On Crud!

It's an all too frequent event when a simple distraction leads you to leave something on the stove for just a few minutes overtime, and nothing looks more daunting in your pile of dishes than that crusty caked mess on the bottom of your favorite pot. However, with these few simple tips, you won't have to leave it soaking for hours. You can remove that grime easily and quickly with some basic products that you have lying around the house. With the techniques I've included in this video, nothing will stop you from keeping your pots spotless.


  1. Super tip.. I hate soaking my pots and pans.

  2. Thanks Deb! I hate having dirty pots in the sink too. Hope these tips help.

  3. These are wonderful green cleaning tips for a tough job!. Thanks for sharing!
